Terms and Conditions

  • Booking:

    All bookings become final after we receive a down payment of at least Rp. 500.000,- per booking.

    For cars in our Luxury and Sport Cars Collection a minimum down payment of 30% of the total price is required.

    All bookings should come with an approved job order.

    Hire time start and finish as indicated on the job order.

    Any overtime on the rental day should be requested minimal 1 hour prior the finish time and should be approved by our head office representative.

    Route is as indicated on the job order and will be final 48 hours prior rental date.

    Decoration is as indicated on the job order and will be final 48 hours prior rental date.

    Any lost or demage on decorations cause by the renting party will be charged in full.

    No decorations from third party is allowed on the car, unless approved by our head office.

    Fresh flower decorations can be provided but is not include in the hire fee.

    The company expressly prohibits any person other then there own drivers from driving the cars except two seat cars from our Sport Cars Collection.

    The company accepts responsibility for damage to their cars by fire or collision and the company's legal liability for third party claims arising from the use of their cars.

    The company accepts no responsibility  for any delays howsoever caused.

    The driver will drive at reasonable speeds according to his judgment of road conditions and traffic at any particular time.

    A maximum amount of passengers are allowed. For details visit our our webside.

    A reasonable amount of ordinary passenger luggage is allowed, but luggage, wich in the opinion of the driver aounts to excessive weight, will not be carried.

    The company accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage to any luggage or property carried in or on the car howsoever such loss or damage is caused.

    No food is allowed inside the cars at any time.

    No pets are allowed inside the cars at any time.

    No smoking is allowed inside the cars at anytime.

    No bookings can be made true our drivers.

    The company accepts no responsibility for any problems caused by bookings made trough any agency, driver or third party.

    You can enquire about car availability by visiting our head office by appoinment only or by WA +62 817227675.





    All inquiries are not automatically confirm and will be replied within 48 hours.

    In order for your booking to be confirmed we must receive a minimum of Rp. 500.000,- / or 30% of the total price for cars from our Luxury and Sport Cars Collection in cash, bank transfer or by credit card.

    Payments in cash should only be done in our head office.

    The company accepts no orders paid to third party's and take's no responsibility for any loss of money nor any refun will be given.

    Full payment should be done no later then 7 days prior rental date.

    A additional Rp. 150.000,- administartion and Late handling fee will be charged for payments made after those 7 days.

    If full payment is not done 72 hours before the rental date order wil be automaticly canceled with no further notice and no refund will be given.

    All special offers should be paid in full at the moment of booking.

    Overtime should be paid in cash directly to the driver after approval from our head office representative.

    No refund will be given for any cancelations

    Payments could be done by Cash/Credit at our head office or via bank transfer.




    Our Head Office:


    Sanggar Kencana I  No. 15, Jatisari, Kec. Buahbatu

    Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40286, Indonesia

    WA. 0817227675



    Instagram: dsign_wedding_cars_bandung

    Facebook: dsign wedding cars bandung

Peraturan Dan Tata cara Penyewaan

  • Booking :

    • Untuk Booking Order di kenakan Down Payment sebesar Rp.500.000,- agar mobil tidak dapat di pesan oleh penyewa lain,bila sebelumnya belum  melakukan DP kami akan mengkonfirmasi terlebih dahulu kepada anda untuk segera melakukan DP ( batas waktu 1x 24jam ).
    • Semua Booking di anggap Sah setelah kami berikan Job Order yang berisikan data Diri dan Pesanan yang telah di sepakati oleh Penyewa
    • Lama Penyewaan dimulai dari Start dan Selesai sesuai jam yang telah di cantumkan pada Job Order
    • Penyewa dapat merubah / mengganti mobil selama mobil yg akan dipilih masih tersedia dan paling lambat waktu pergantian 6 hari sebelumnya
    • Rute dan Dekorasi harus segera di beritahukan paling lambat 48 jam sebelum hari H
    • Pelunasan dilakukan selambat-lambatnya 5 hari sebelum hari H ( jika tidak akan dikenakan * extra Charge sebesar 10% )
    • Perubahan rute dapat dilakukan dengan syarat lokasi tidak berubah jauh dari perjanjian semula ( supir berhak menolak jika terjadi perubahan tersebut memberatkan pihak kami.
    • Seperti ( *Khusus mobil klasik  ) :
    • Jalanan rusak/tidak bisa dilalui oleh kendaraan tersebut
    • Jalan sempit
    • Self Driving ( Membawa Mobil Sendiri ) terkecuali untuk beberapa mobil
    • Kecepatan dalam membawa mobil (Melihat dari sisi keadaan jalan saat itu : Macet,Jalan Rusak dll)
    • Segala kerusakan menjadi tanggung jawab penyewa yang  sebelumnya akan di jelaskan dan telah melakukan kesepakatan dengan pihak Dsign ( Prewedd,foto shoot,etc ).
    • Perusaan tidak bertanggung jawab atas keterlambatan apapun keadaanya.
    • Selama perjanjian sewa berlangsung, penyewa dilarang menaiki kendaraan sewa melebihi dari kapasitas yang telah kami tetapkan ( Cek our Website www.dsignweddingcars.com )
    • Dilarang Merokok,Membawa Peliharaan dan Melebihi kapasitas penumpang yang telah kami tetapkan tiap mobilnya.
    • Penyewa dilarang memakai dekorasi mbil selain yang tlah di sediakan oleh pihak kami tanpa terlebih dahulu membicarakanya

    Pembayaran :

    • Semua Pertanyaan yang masuk  akan kami jawab selambat-lambatnya 48 jam
    • Setelah penyewa mengisi lengkap formulir, Penyewa akan mendapat e-mail balasan dari kami mengenai detail permintaan Penyewaan seperti : Tanggal,Waktu,dan Tempat dan permintaan lainya ( Jika ada ),Invoice dan total DP yang harus dibayar,Permintaan anda akan kami proses setelah kami menerima DP 30% atau minimum pembayaran Rp.500.000 dapat dengan cash,transfer atau dengan kartu kredi ( VISA/Master)
    • Pelunasan Harus diselesaikan paling lambat 7 hari sebelum hari H (jika tidak,akan kami dikenakan 10% biaya tambahan)
    • Jika terjadi Penambahan biaya pada saat Penyewaan biaya overtime dibayarkan langsung kepada Driver setelah di setujui oleh Kantor

    Tidak ada pengembalian uang jika terjadi pembatalan pesanan sewa

    Pembayaran Cash/Credit hanya dapat dilakukan di Kantor atau dengan transfer



    Our Head Office :

    Sanggar Kencana I  No. 15, Jatisari, Kec. Buahbatu

    Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40286, Indonesia